MG Joseph P. O'Leary (Ret) President Liberty Chapter Signal Corps Regiment Association, Inc.
Welcome to the Liberty Chapter Web Site
Our mission The Signal Corps Regimental Association, or SCRA, is a private, nonprofit organization that provides an opportunity for all active, reserve, and national guard, officers, warrant officers, enlisted members and civilians, as well as any former members of the Signal Corps to aid in preserving for posterity the proud heritage of the U.S. Army Signal Corps Regiment, and Signal units throughout the world. Through direct financial support, the association will enhance the educational and recreational value of the Signal Regiment and thus ensure the lessons of history and proud traditions of the Signal Regiment are not forgotten. Purposewww.nysignal.org/kuwait2018 Foster and preserve the esprit, tradition and cohesion of the Regiment Publicize and reinforce the Regiment's goals Foster excellence and belonging through the Orders of Mercury, Wahatchee or Brevet Colonel awards and recognition program for outstanding Signal Corps professionals and volunteers. The Association works to form the Regiment that consists of military (Active, Reserve, Retired, Separated, Officers, Non-commissioned Officers and Enlisted), Department of the Army Civilians, Contractors and our Industry partners, or other individuals that are interested in the association
1SG Patrick Murphy Obiturary
101ESB Sig Bn Newsletter Linkwww.nysignal.org/kuwait2018
Liberty Chapter & 101st Sig BN Family Day Picnic at Round Pond West Point Flyer on 21Jul18
Next Liberty Chapter Meeting is Tuesday 10Jul18 at 1930 Hrs Yonkers Armory
101ESB Planeside Farewell Ceremony at Stewart AFB Newburg, NY for Task Force Lightning on 17Mar2018
101ESB Promotion Ceremony of BN CDR at Camp Smith on 25Feb18
Next Liberty Chapter Meeting is Tuesday 9 Jan 18 at 1930 Hrs Orangeburg Armory, Orangeburg,NY
Liberty Chapter Photos from Last Meeting 24Oct15
Next Meeting Tuesday 12Jan16 at Orangeburg,IS CANCELLED AT&T Hiring a lot of Veteran Technicians Liberty Chapter SCRA Fishing Trip Flyer
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